Monday, March 8, 2010

Teacher Getting Political

So the rule suppose to be that teachers arent suppose to express their political views in the classroom, yet some teachers choose to express their political opinions anyways. Why do they choose to do so even though they know they're not suppose to? My opinion is because political is a very interesting thing to talk about, some of the political discussion in the classroom can get very heated, and sometime teachers do it to get interactions from their student. Another reason why do it is to influence the political view of their students and get their students to support their political view and interests and that can be a very dangerous thing because some students my feel very strongly against the teacher's view, but they are afraid to speak up agaisnt it because they worry that if they do then they would get on the bad side of the teacher. So my view in all this is to keep politic out of the classroom. And that is MY VIEW.

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